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Planting trees in the forests of Australia


​​The Forests Australia website provides up-to-date information on Australia’s forests. This website is hosted by ABARES in the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, and represents collaboration between many Australian forest-related organisations, including all Australian, state and territory governments.

Detailed information on Australia’s forests is available from Australia’s State of the Forests Reports that are published every five years. Preparation of the reports is a commitment made by Australia’s governments in the National Forest Policy Statement. Reports have been published in 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, and ​2018​​. Reporting on the state of Australia’s forests through these reviews supports progress towards the sustainable management of Australia’s forests. The following topics give key background information for the ​reporting in Australia’s State of the Forests Reports and the related information presented on the Forests Australia website.​

Australia’s native forest – data visualisation allows users to display data for Australia’s native forest types by state or territory, tenure, crown cover, height and Indigenous ownership and management category.

Australia’s forests and forestry glossary is a stand-alone publication, developed from the glossary published in Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2018 and contains definitions of terms related to forests and forestry at the national level in Australia. (See more)


Between September 2019 and January 2020, record-breaking temperatures and months of severe drought have fuelled a series of massive bushfires across Australia. Australia’s wildfires have destroyed more than a fifth of the country’s forests, making the blazes « globally unprecedented » following a years-long drought linked to climate change, researchers said Monday. Around 5.8 million hectares of broadleaf forest were burned in New South Wales and Victoria in Australia. This accounts for roughly 21 percent of the nation’s forested area, making this fire season proportionately the most devastating on record.

bush fire australie
Bushfires in forests of Australia
Bushfires in forests of Australia
Bushfires in forests of Australia